百味人生 Tastes of Life》作品展
常言道,人生有百味,甜、酸、苦、辣、鹹、百味紛陳。各有各的經歷,各有各的故事。有些人一直事事順遂,他們可能覺得人生滋味就像一杯蜜汁,也有些人此刻荊棘滿途,覺得人生旅途就像一服入口苦澀的中藥。不過,無論我們的經歷是否相像,始終,各有自己獨特的感受! 而這些感受,或許表面看不出來,但當事人必定有深深的體會,如魚飲水,冷暖自知。
這一次的題目是【百味人生】, 我們的會員利用藝術這個媒介把味道與人生經歷相連接,令人好奇他們的作品會是什麼模樣?猜估他們會用什麼的方式來表現出人生的味道呢? 參加是次活動的會員沒有年齡限制,年齡不同的會員感受的人生味道會有差異嗎? 而作為觀眾的我們,是否可以從作品中窺探到這些差異嗎?可以理解到他們的感受嗎?
As the saying goes, there are different tastes in life, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, chilly and various flavors. Each has his / her own story. Some people have been doing well and think that life is like a cup of nectar. Others may be walking on a path beset with difficulties, to them life journey is like a bowl of bitter Chinese herbal medicine. Whether or not our experiences are similar, after-all, we have our own unique feelings. Even though our feelings may not be noticeable by others, we do understand them well. It is just like a fish drinking water, only it knows the warmth or coolness of the water.
People facing the same object or having the same experience, may have different feelings due to experience of their own life journey. People in different life cycle stages do have different feelings. Life is filled with different flavors and we need to taste it with our heart. Only after we experience with our heart, we understand.
The theme of the exhibition is 【Tastes of Life】. Our members make use of art as the medium to connect life experience with taste. We are curious to see how their art works will look like. And make a guess on how they will express the taste of their life in their art works. In this exhibition, there is no age restriction on the participants. Under the age difference, will they have different tastes of life? We, being the audience of this event, will we be able to spot the difference among them? Can we understand their feelings?
第一場 Session One:
展覽日期 Exhibition Period:2018.08.10 - 08.29 / 12:30PM-20:30PM
展覽日期 Exhibition Period:2018.08.10 - 08.29 / 12:30PM-20:30PM
地點 Venue:塔石廣場商業中心R3 (又稱:玻璃屋)
Venue:R3 spaces of the Tap Seac Square Commercial Centre (also known as Glass House)
第二場 Session Two:
展覽日期 Exhibition Period:2018.09.01 - 09.06 / 09:00AM-07:00PM
地點 Venue:盧廉若公園 - 春草堂 Lou Lim Ioc Garden
Venue:R3 spaces of the Tap Seac Square Commercial Centre (also known as Glass House)
第二場 Session Two:
展覽日期 Exhibition Period:2018.09.01 - 09.06 / 09:00AM-07:00PM
地點 Venue:盧廉若公園 - 春草堂 Lou Lim Ioc Garden
策展人 Curator:Dophine Wong & Axter Chu
行政 Administration : Kong Leong、Bonnie Hong、Anita Ao
佈展 Installation: Kong Leong、Fion Lei、Yanni Chan、Jansky Lei、Aya Lei、Bonnie Hong、Betty Ng、CC Vong
設計 Design:Bonnie Hong
Fion,Yuki,Aya,CC,Pamela,Anita,Jansky,Lichee,Yanni,Betty,Daniel,Joe,Carol,Kristy,Riki, Susu,Vanda,Lucifer,Axter,Kong 及 Yaya
~ 免費入場 Admission free ~
主辦單位Organizer:方舟澳門藝術學會 Ark - Association of Macau Art
贊助單位Sponsor:文化局 Instituto Cultural
協辦單位Supporting:恩藝設計工作室 Graceart Design Studio、澳門手作及創意人協會 Macau Handcraft And Creative People Association
贊助單位Sponsor:文化局 Instituto Cultural
協辦單位Supporting:恩藝設計工作室 Graceart Design Studio、澳門手作及創意人協會 Macau Handcraft And Creative People Association