藝術萬花筒 - 顧名思義,是一項以不同方式, 不同媒材製作出變化萬千的作品的藝術活動, 也是繪畫藝術和手作文化的交流活動。一個抒發內心、 開發創意為主要目的的新式繪畫概念。 在不摒棄傳統繪畫技巧的基礎上,賦予繪畫劃時代的全新意義, 鼓勵人們投入繪畫世界,將藝術創作融入至日常生活之中。
Introduction of 2018 art activities
Art Kaleidoscope - as the name suggests, it is a campaign consisted of a series of art activities that advocates art pieces created In different means and different media with the goal of cultural exchange in paintings and crafts. It supports painting works created with an innovative concept but at the same time do not give up the traditional drawing techniques. The campaign encourages the public to get into the world of paintings and merge arts into their life.
是次活動將舉辦三場不同藝術創作類形的工作坊, 透過三場工作坊的藝術交流和思維觸發創作出自己的思維和風格, 完成後的作品通過甄選後會舉辦成果展,公開展出參加者的作品, 讓更多的人知道,藝術創作並不是專屬於「藝術家」的, 只要願意嘗試,發揮創意,人人都可以是藝術家。
是次活動「藝術萬花筒」將以畫作為主軸,融合不同的元素, 策劃創新的藝術活動,藉由推廣新式藝術創作, 培養和提升大眾對藝術創作的興趣和認識,打破藝術是「 可遠觀而不可褻玩焉」的傳統觀念,把藝術帶入生活和社區, 打造一個能讓大眾以輕鬆愉快的心情去接觸和認識藝術的空間, 以一個將藝術融入生活的方式達到藝術普及教育, 希望能藉此帶動社區的藝術氛圍。
Project objectives and expected outcome
Art Kaleidoscope will use paintings as the main axis, with which to integrate with different elements, to come up a series of innovative art activities. Through promoting new form in art creation, the campaign aims to cultivate the public’s interest and appreciation in arts. It aims to abolish the concept that art can only be appreciated with a distance. It aims to bring arts into life and community. It provides an art space that allows the public to approach arts in a relaxed and carefree mood. The ultimate goal of the campaign is to integrate arts into daily life and stimulate the artistic atmosphere in the community. This campaign, consisting of 3 workshops in different art forms, aims to bring out views exchange in arts and inspire the attendees to create work of their own idea and style. Selected finished works will be displayed in public exhibitions. This is to convey a clear message – artwork creation is not limited to artists. If we are willing to try, everyone can be an artist.