Exhibition of NATURE
& ARK'S ART 2016
今年9月學會將會於澳門文創村舉行 :
Exhibition of Nature & Ark’s Art
展期由 9 月 25 日至 10 月 22 日,展覽參觀費用全免。
- 歡迎到場參與 –
「全力支持 : 澳門文創村」
參展者簡介 Profile of Artist :
伍嘉欣 Ng Ka Ian, Minnian
個人簡介 : 畢業於廣州美術學院裝潢設計專業,澳門手作及創意人協會會長,澳門方舟藝術學會副理事長,不倒翁樂園創辦人、邊樹文化藝術有限公司董事長。2008年至今於不同學校和社團教授設計、手作、藝術課程,參與及統籌各種藝術展覽、創意市集活動,推廣不同的文化創意。
Profile : Graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts - decoration design
degree, President of Macau Handcraft and Creative People Association, Founder of tumblerville,
chairman of Binshu Culture and Arts Co. Since 2008 , Teaching at different schools and communities design,
handmade, art classes, participation and co-ordinate various art exhibitions,
creative market activities to promote different cultures and creative.
鄧天恩 Tang
Tin Ian, Ariel
個人簡介 : 畢業於澳門大學工商管理學學士,熱愛藝術及設計,積極參與塔石藝墟活動,兼職文創工作者,現為澳門理工學院設計學系學生。曾擔任方舟澳門藝術學會水彩繪畫導師及現擔任該會會理會理事。
Profile : She is graduated
from the University of Macau, Bachelor of Business Administration. She then
continues her study at the Macao Polytechnic Institute about Arts in Design.
Being keen on design and art, she has proactively taken part in the Tap Seac
Art Fair Craft Market in the previous years. She is also the current director
of the Ark - Association of Macau Art and has been the watercolor tutor for the
AMAA in 2015.
李絢 Lei Hun, Aya
個人簡介 : 澳門獨立漫畫家。自稱(偽)文向少女漫畫家。曾出版個人漫畫單行本《永劫回歸》、 繪本漫畫《提籠少女》及漫畫短篇集《A book of DREAMs》,並在不同平台發表短篇漫畫。
個人展覽有《Monokalea 墨華鏡》— 李絢插畫空間及珠海的《Monokalea II 墨華鏡咖啡座插畫展》,《癈青頹漫》--李絢個人漫畫展,《午后春蒐》--李絢插畫展。曾參加過第一、二屆中國厦門亞洲華人漫畫原畫展、Macau ACT EXPO
Profile : Lei Hun,
Aya, has been a Macau comic artist since 2013, she has published comic books
“Ever Eternal” in 2013 and “Grillia’s Cage” in 2014 and the third book “A book
of DREAMs” .
Aya is active in the
art scenes in Macau, Hong Kong and Mainland China. In 2015, she has
participated in “Macau ACT EXPO 2015”, and recently she has participated in
the” Anno Street Art event” in 2016.
陳詠璇 Chan Weng Sun, Pamela
個人簡介 : 從事市場策劃及公關傳訊工作,閒時喜愛藝術創作。曾參與2016
Profile : She is a
Marketing and PR professional. During herleisure time, she likes doing oil
paintings to unfold her idyllic emotions. She has participated in “Exhibitionof
Nature & Ark’s Art 2016”, “The 32nd Collective Exhibition of MacauArtists”
in 2016, “2015 Macau Design Biennial” and “2015 Summer Exhibition” in 10
李志豪 Lei Chi Hou, Jansky
: 畢業於聖若瑟大學設計系,愛好設計、音樂、電影。從事平面設計、多媒體創意設計以及藝術設計類課程導師多年。
曾舉辦個人作品展覽<<靈.感應>>、作品參與藝術交流展覽<<港澳陶藝交流展>>、香港JCCAC賽馬會創意藝術中心<<觸感藝術節展覽>>。近年曾前往香港理工大學及JCCAC、日本東京、中國上海等地遊學。作品曾在澳門設計雙年展及新海上絲綢之路 - 台灣區澳門當代插畫比賽等獲得獎項。
Profile : graduated
from the Faculty of Creative Industries major in Design of University of Saint
Joseph, he is interested in design, music and movies. He is a graphic and
multimedia designer and an instructor of art and design courses for years.
He has held solo exhibition
“Spirit. Induction”, he has participated in art exchange exhibition “Hong Kong
and Macau Ceramics Exchange Exhibition” and “Touch Arts Exhibition” at JCCAC,
Hong Kong. In recent years, he has taken study tours in The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University and JCCAC, as well as Tokyo and Shanghai, etc. His works
have earned him awards in “Macau Design Biennial” and “City Memory: 21st
Maritime Silk Road” - Taiwan Station of Macao Contemporary Illustrations
陳美霞 Chan Mei Ha, Donna
個人簡介 : 美國白禮頓大學學士畢業,在澳門曾學習美術相關課程,包括有人像素描,雕塑造型,絲調繪畫及丙稀及油畫,版畫製作等,藝術相關課程。曾擔任方舟澳門藝術學會兒童丙烯畫導師。
Profile : After
graduation from Brighton University with Bachelor Degree, Chan Mei
Ha, Donna studied arts courses in Macau, including classes on sketching class,
sculpture, silk painting, acrylic painting, oil painting, printmaking, and
other art related courses. She served as tutor in children acrylic painting
class in Ark Macau Art Society before.
劉瑞欣 Lao Soi Ian, Susu
個人簡介 : 現就讀於澳門理工學院視覺藝術系,主修版畫。澳門國際版畫藝術研究中心會員。
近期展覽,有2015 AP33 內地與澳門藝術家素描版畫展「物語—澳門理工學院視覺藝術課程三年級作品展」,澳門理工學院懷遠樓展廳,澳門;AP28 五月馨情繪畫展;AP38 從絲綢之路再出發 一帶一路之寧波與澳門藝術交流展。
: She is now studying Visual Arts at the School of Arts, Macao Polytechnic
Institute, majoring in Printmaking.
events :
2015 - AP33 Mainland
and Macao Artist's Sketch and Printmaking Exhibition. 2016 - AP38. One
Belt, One Road, and Then starting from the Silk Road -- Ningbo and Macao
Artists Exchange Exhibition.
Lei Wai
Leong, Fion
個人簡介 : 澳門原創手作品牌 Fion’s Work負責人;澳門手作及創意人協會理事;2006年至今於多間社團、特殊中心和學校任教手作班導師。創作項目包括鉤織毛線公仔、布藝及繪畫創作等等。
Profile : She
is the Founder of the local brand Fion's Work and Executive Council
member of Macau Handcraft and Creative People Association. Starting
from 2006, Fion has been working as a handcraft instructor in various
organizations, associations, centers for special educational needs, primary and
secondary schools. Her
works include crochet dolls, decoration cloth handicrafts and paintings, etc.
李綺琪 Lee Yee
Kee, Gigi
個人簡介 : 藝術家/策展人/自由撰稿人/手作人
創作包括繪畫、裝置、多媒體、聲音及音樂等。作品大部份俱有實驗性並與科學、人道與環境有關 2015 年互動多媒體作品「無調」於澳門藝術博物館展出。同年參與音樂作品「韶華。 別秋」於「北京現代音樂節」的演出以及澳門首演。2009年錄像裝置「永恆隧道」代表澳門於「第五十三屆威尼斯國際藝術雙年展」澳門館展出。參與不同類型多媒體演出的音樂及錄像創作如大型建築物投影項目、多媒體劇場及舞蹈等的策劃及制作等。
Profile : Artist / Curator
/ Writer / Handcrafter
Artworks feature on
Science and the Nature.
works include paintings, installation, multimedia, sound and music, being
mostly experimental and related to science and humanity.
2015 interactive work
“Atonal” was shown in Macau Art Museum。 Same year video work
participated in music piece “Transfiguration of Time” in ‘ Beijing Modern Music
Festival’ also the Première in Macau。 Video installation
“Timeless Tunnel” was selected to the Macau-China Pavilion, at the 53rd Venice
Biennale International Art Exhibition. Gigi has been participating in various
multimedia shows, including musical composition and videography. Recently, she
participated in the programming and producing of architecture mapping shows,
multimedia theatre and dancing.
articles are publishing on art magazine and media. She also invited to
participate in residency and her works have been shown in different countries
in and collected by private collectors.
王雅萍 Wong
Nga Peng, Tracy
個人簡介 : 出生於澳門,高中於中葡職業技術學校修讀平面設計,畢業後報讀澳門理工視覺藝術美術系版畫專業。二零一四年入選全澳書畫聯展,參與過澳門的版畫、素描、篆刻、港澳社區藝術聯展,香港觸感藝術等作品展等。由於喜愛創作,與同好者組織了a-club手作團體,希望通過網絡及澳門塔石藝墟分享文創作品,加強文化交流。
Profile : Born in Macau, Wong Nga Peng, Tracy studied in Luso-Chinese Technical
and Vocational Middle School studying Graphic Design.
Then she furthered her studies at the Macao Polytechnic Institute and graduated
from the Art Department, Major in Printmaking. In 2014, her work entered the
“Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists Art Works Collection”. She has also
participated in “Touch Arts Exhibition”.
of her passion for handicrafts, she has organized a handcraft association, A-Club
Handmade, with the aim to facilitate the cultural exchanges in Macau.
柯蓮娜 Ondina Dash
個人簡介 : 畢業於澳門理工學院 - 視覺藝術 / 平面設計課程,一直在澳門工作及生活。由於她對設計美學的熱愛,她經常在工餘時間接受平面設計的工作。
Profile : She works and lives in Macau. She graduated from
Macau Polytechnic Institute (Visual Arts/Graphic Communication) and she is a
freelancer Graphic Designer, just working for my own pleasure and